virus .htaccess

quan et trobis un fitxer .htacces buit a la rel de la teva pagina web has de sospitar.  Especialment si no l’has posat tu el millor es eliminar-lo i crear-ne un de nou. No sé com treballa però em redirigia a una pagina estranya. L’he suprimit i s’ha acabat el problema.

Ara al windows 10 per fer un fitxer .htacces s’ha de crear 1.htaccess i després entra com administrador al menú de comandos CMD i canviar-lo de nom:

rename c:\1.htacces .htaccess

això és el que he fet jo


a la primera línia he posat : Options +Indexes
això permet veure el contingut de la carpeta

revisar Backup del Synology valldoreix

El Backup del servidor Synology DS214se es fa mitjançant el programa Hiper Backup y Sharet Folder Sync
Amb Hiper Backup es fa un backup de les bases de dades MariaDB y la aplicació web Station
Amb Shared folder Sync es repliquen les carpetes music, photo, software, video, web al servidor

Shared Folder Sync

The Shared Folder Sync service allows users to sync shared folders from one Synology NAS device (the source) to other Synology NAS devices (the destination) in LAN or over the Internet.

Shared Folder Sync will perform a full sync of the selected shared folder(s) for the first time. Afterwards, only changed files will be synced. Files that have been removed from the source will also be removed from the destination.


  • Shared Folder Sync is a one-way sync solution, syncing the files at the source to the destination. For a 2-way sync solution, please use Cloud Station ShareSync.
  • If on the destination exists a shared folder that has the same name (e.g. SharedFolder) with the source shared folder, the destination folder will be named “SharedFolder_1”.
  • If on the destination exists no shared folder that has the same name with the source shared folder, a folder will be created using the name in the corresponding or the first volume available.
  • By default, no user will have privileges to access the shared folder on the destination. Please contact the destination admin for privileges.

Enabling the Service

To enable Shared Folder Sync:

You have to enable the service on the destination Synology NAS first.

  1. Go to Control Panel > File Service > rsync
  2. Select Enable rsync service to enable the Shared Folder Sync service.
  3. Click Apply.

llegir més

Aplicacions que tinc instal·lades a synology_vall

Web Station
activar “enable email notifications”  control panel/ notifications ->permet recuperar password de wordpress
photo station. per pujar fotos del mòbil al servidor:
1 seleccionar la foto al mòbil
2 seleccionar l’acció de pujat î a DS photo
3 a la aplicació DS del móbil seleccionar chose”/photo”
4 premer -> per pujar la photo (star uploading)

audio station (enllaç per a descarregar plugin de lyrics -> fujirou_musix_match-1.2.aum , fujirou_lyric_wiki-1.5.aum

CLOUD SYNC permet sincronitzar dropbox, one drive, google drive
video station
per a poder accedir-hi per internet:
1. go to control panel

2. choose router configuration

3. make sure service “video station” is enabled and assigned ports are 9025-9040.
most likely when you run “check connection” it will give you a message not tested and this isi all right.

4. go back to control panel and choose Application Portal

5. once its opened double click on edit port / alias rules

6. place a check mark “Enable customized alias” where Alis field says : “video”. this will give you an access to vide station by simply typing in the new browser window the following:

7. activate redirect from in order to avoid typing http://you_ip_address:5000/video but tryping

http://you_ip_address/video (without port number)

8. click ok all the back and dont forget to save changes.

9. this will give you access to vedeo station and others as well.

Apps que tinc instal·lades al meu android

Teclado Multiling:

Aquesta aplicació és molt útil quant tens necessitat d’escriure notes en diversos idiomes. La trobes al play store amb “teclado multiling”

un cop instal·lada anar a ajustes/idioma e introduccion/teclado multiling/setings/ idiomes

cal descarregar els diferents diccionaris:

MK.Catalan: -> instal·lar diccionaris i pegar l’adreça al buscador-> utilitzar play store

Amb una mica de paciència tens tots els diccionaris que necessites. al trepitjar la barra  espaiadora pots triat el diccionari.


QR Code Reader ->Permet posar el WhatsApp al PC

CamSam-> detector de radars

Photoshop. Fer una selecció amb l’eina ‘Mascara de Capa’

  1.  Obrir photoshop (recordar que als submenuns s’hi accedeix amb el botó dret del ratolí. faig aquesta anotació trivial perquè quan portàs cert temps  sense utilitzar-lo s’oblida quasi tot)
  2. obrir la foto que farà de fons seleccionar i arrastrar sobre la primer
  3. obrir la foto que ha d’anar en primer pla selecciona i arrastrar sobre el  fons
  4. veiem que ara hi ha dos capes: capa 1 : primer pla; capa 2: fons
  5. movem i retallem per ajustar mides
  6. afegim mascara vectorial (boto 3 a baix a la dreta) i la seleccionem
  7. passem els colors frontals a blanc i negre. triem pinzell
  8. negre borra i blanc restitueix. (per fer la selecció ens podem ajudar també de l’enllaç magnètic)


Una característica molt interessant del servidor Synology es que permet tenir diversos dominis apuntant a carpetes diferents. Es adir amb un única IP fixa es possible tenir fins a 8 domis,, cadascú d’ells a la seva carpeta corresponent. (add on domini)

A l’imatge de sota es mostra com s’ha de configurar. Després d’una actualització m’ha deixat de funcionar i s’ha solucionat activant i desactivant HTTP back end server nging apache


Accioxns a Moniker:x

com ferm servir com a servidor de pagines web el nostre synology amb la seva Ip, hem tenir seleccionat defauld nameser i posar la seva ip corresponent (si fos epage etc. tindríem external nameserver) IMPORTANT CREAR SUBDOMINI WWW.URQUIZU.INFO i verificar que la feina s’ha fet

With the feature of Virtual Host, you can setup multiple web sites on Synology NAS. A domain name is required for Virtual Host set up. There are two different settings for each Virtual Host set up: Name-based and Port-based. Each Virtual Host web site requires a Document Root directory for file storing and accessing.
Add a new Virtual Host

Click Create
Select the type of Virtual Host: Name-based or Port-based.
Enter the hostname and select the protocol and port number is necessary.
Select the Document Root path, this folder will be used to file store. (Please refer to Note)
Select whether or not to enable HSTS setting (forces browser to use HTTPS connection) and HTTP/2 to speed up the web transfer.
Select the back-end server for this Virtual Host.
Enable PHP back-end is necessary and choose the back-end type.
Click OK to create the Virtual Host.
When SSL encryption connect is enabled, you will be promoted and redirected to the Certificate page for further setup.


For better flexibility and security, Web Station uses the http user group to execute tasks. Therefore, to control access permissions for your web pages, please change the http group’s access permissions for each corresponding folder and file. For example, if you want to make the vhost1 folder accessiable via Web Station, you’ll need to make sure the http group has proper read/write permissions for the vhost1 and files/folders in it.

Trading ages

L’idioma dels subtítols es el que es té escollit al web google traslator . seleccionar un text amb el botó esquerra i canviat l’idioma de traducció. alguns vídeos youtube tenen …mes -> transcript!

her eyesight deteriorates had teeth this color and skin things wrinkles and sides
as she comes face-to-face with yourself about 73 how she feel how we should be
treated and will it change your life forever
oh my good oh oh no I don’t know hot nice toilet horrible i don’t want to
think about getting older because you look wrinkly look awful and now look at
no wonder up and terrified wouldn’t you be if you get to the merits or this up
oh wow chicken skin
twenty-nine-year-old Caroline Bell lives in brighton she’s a children’s drama
teacher with particularly strong views on the elderly
oh no it’s a no go get one they’re all stupid car things look at it
his heart was a she she’s half dead because slowly she’s going she breathing
just about
I’ve always had trouble with old people I’ve never had anything to do with them
so i knew nothing about them they were like aliens to me they scared me a prime
candidate for a wake-up call
Caroline’s in for a shock her current lifestyle involves clubbing most nights
with a new boyfriend she considers a toy boy Joel who’s 22 that it is it’s not
like this you laughter now let’s get determined to stay young
Caroline’s obsessed with looks good is at the comforter into why should know
clock the guts to wear and figures occasion
Caroline’s going to have to confront her fears and prejudices of the elderly not
only she going to have to live as an old woman she’s going to be immersed in
their world
for a month
Caroline’s left their own life behind she’s gonna have to live in a pensioner
alone away from family and friends she has no access to a car a mobile has been
taken away and she’s heading for a new home
very old woman length very womanly flowery table is our lovely to slip into
the evening Mary lady isn’t pink pink and grey it doesn’t mind a little bit of
my grandmother’s flat but this is much cleaner than my grandmother’s Pat this
sort of thing very typical you know she’d have something like that
stepping out for the first time in our own hometown things are very different
now she’s 73
no wolf whistles then this is very strange to us women dancing they look
through me
hey they’re not that type
it feels weird being in brighton because obviously this is my home ground but
obviously i’m here with somebody that’s not shoulder that’s really surreal i
can’t see flew somewhere do i get run over
see what I have the beeping sound now woman that can’t be softly when they
cross the road
to immerse Caroline into the world of the oap she’s heading for a day’s
voluntary work of the local healthy aging charity shop
although she’s never had any contact with the elderly Caroline’s got to
convince them
she’s one of them yeah as the new girl she’s banished to the back room if it’s
got stains on it and underarm crotch or any other general stains and you put
them in the bag for the rack been all these rags they give money for the racks
so it all goes to the charity is a hierarchy what you’ve been in 47 and
9999 comes under bric-a-brac except nobody suspects a thing
everybody is totally treated as an old person so how old are you then the other
night he reviewed 19 yes yes
you still seem so full of life you know
I think it was you brains work in your is that all you do this sort of thing to
keep your know they’re keep going
every morning I exercise the same time it remotely just touching your toes and
I did that bad 12 times and this about 12 times and this about and left i do
over there was a lot of exercises about 12 * another soap under captain me dire
believe in selenium multivitamins with the Highland complex hot cups and also I
cook every day fresh and I like I’m not make sure i get clean yet celery pass
they finish garlic is a month think too that I believe it as a new face around
town the regulars are keen to let Caroline know what’s available to
pension is in the area not mentoring something girl what if you want a cheap
happy go check usually cap the top of ghosts of business do you know what you
get a mother meal / heart stay keep ours medinas you name it the old-fashioned
baton putting burden you like very blue
thanks putting they can play the footing with onion and change and you name it
but not some freak pudding
what people coming hold people or room not all you’d be surprised if 95 coming
in it
yeah it was quite sad you know you get your customers and you something you
don’t see him for a while and you know what’s happened to them it takes so that
then is the left the job
the older people work in charity shop just love just a few morning’s keeping
their brain active working till working at money i mean the 90 your lady was
amazing she looked incredible and she’s just so with it so the headache and I’m
ready for bed as you can see I’ve got my chocolate notes / team got my own
routine actually feeling like an old lady today my routine and slippers and
dressing down and I’m so ready for bed
it’s been a tiring day it’s very emotionally and physically draining

11 Reasons Why You Don’t Have Many Friends

Communication Relationships by Amy Morin

Finding and keeping friends in adulthood is different from the days when you played on the playground at recess. It takes work to maintain friendships over time. If you don’t have many friends, it’s important to consider the possible reasons why.

1. You Complain A Lot
if you’re constantly complaining about your job, lack of money, or unfair life, people won’t care to spend a lot of time with you. Complaining gets old fast. Try to develop a more positive attitude and look for more interesting topics to discuss rather than what’s going wrong in your life.

2. You Ditch Your Friends When You’re in a Relationship
If you’re guilty of ditching your friends every time you begin dating someone new, it’s likely your friends won’t sit around and wait to hear your breakup story. Instead, they’ll move on without you. It’s important to find a balance between spending time with your pals and your latest romantic interest.

3. You’re Selfish
Consider whether or not being selfish contributes to the fact that you don’t have friends. Friendship requires you to give sometimes, even when you don’t feel like it. If you’re only willing to do what you want, when you want it, it’s unlikely that your friends will tolerate it for very long.

4. You Don’t Care About Your Friends
If you don’t care what’s happening in your friends’ lives, your friends might not keep you around. It’s important to show interest in how your friends are doing. People will likely grow insulted if you don’t care to ask about them or you don’t care about their feelings.

5. You Stir Up Drama
If you’re guilty of stirring up trouble, it’s likely that people will try to avoid the drama. If you blame others, don’t keep secrets, or try to irritate people on purpose, you’ll likely have difficulty convincing people why they should stick around.

6. You Keep Score
Keeping score has no place in true friendship. If you try to keep score about whose turn it is to choose where you’re going to dinner or whose turn it is to call who, you will likely turn your friends away. Be willing to give to the relationship, rather than focus on trying to keep everything fair.

7. You Get Jealous
If you feel jealous when your friend buys a new car, gets a promotion at work, or enters into a new relationship, it’s likely going to lead to problems. It’s important to celebrate with your friends and feel happy for them when they succeed. If you’re always feeling jealous, you’re attitude will likely shine through, even if you try to hide it.

8. You Expect Too Much From Friends
If you expect your friends to always be available or always meet your needs, you’ll be disappointed. Your friends will hurt your feelings sometimes and will likely disappoint you from time to time. But that doesn’t meant they aren’t good people or that you shouldn’t remain friends with them. Practice forgiveness when your feelings get hurt.

9. You Gossip
If you gossip non-stop, people will recognize that you likely talk about them as well. Don’t talk negatively about other people or spread rumors. Instead, show that you can be trusted to respect people’s privacy.

10. You Bully Your Friends
Bullying doesn’t end in high school for many people. If you’re guilty of bossing your friends around or making demands, it’s likely that people won’t like you. It’s okay to be assertive with people, but make sure you don’t cross the line into behaving aggressively. Respect other people’s rights and work on developing healthy relationships.

11. You Don’t Get Out Enough
Of course, there is also a good chance that not having friends isn’t related to a specific character flaw. Instead, it might just be because you haven’t had the opportunity to meet people whose company you enjoy. If that’s the case, create opportunities to meet other people based on your interests and activities and be willing to take a chance on striking up a conversation with a stranger. It just might turn into a lifelong friendship.

Want to be a better friend? 10 Ways To Be A Better Friend